Assassin’s Creed – Brotherhood of Venice – Upcoming Board Game

The trend of adapting popular video games into board games is nothing new. In the 90s we’ve already had tabletop versions of Super Mario, Street Fighter and many more. Lots of these failed to capture the essence of the source material and felt like cheap cash grabs decorated with a popular logo. Lately, more and more worthwhile video game adaptations began appearing on the market. Now we have a co-op based Dark Souls with amazing minis, Crusader Kings for grand strategy fans, touching This War of Mine, X-COM, Doom and many others.

In November we’ll witness another big adaptation, this time dedicated to one of the most popular video game sagas: Assassin’s Creed. Is it going to be any better than the mediocre Assassin’s Creed: Arena?

From Commandos to Assassins

The team responsible for adapting the AC into a board game is a really interesting choice. Triton Noir is almost exclusively known for their V-Commandos series. Actually, they haven’t done anything else. Their games however have always had good reviews, and fans of military themed strategies, found them great. V-Commandos has lots of dice rolling, modular boards and a big focus on cooperation. Why am I talking so much about that game? Assassin’s Creed – Brotherhood of Venice is going to reimplement it, and add lots of AC flair to the mix. Original’s gameplay fits the theme of secret assassin squad perfectly, so changing the setting shouldn’t be a problem.

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What Can We Expect

Assassin’s Creed – Brotherhood of Venice is a co-op game – probably the safest and most popular genre on Kickstarter. Players will have to complete separate scenarios, that form a whole story campaign when played in order. The authors have settled for one era – the Italian Renaissance. According to some interviews, there’s a chance of sequels with other periods if the game does well. I’d vouch for the pirate one (AC4), but Egypt from Origins would also be welcome.

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In the game, each player controls one member of the Venetian Brotherhood fighting against the Templars. Some popular characters like Ezio will appear in the scenarios, but won’t be playable. The main team is made entirely of new assassins. Downtime between missions will be spent on developing new abilities and upgrading your order’s base.

6 Weeks Left

Most of the art is hidden from the public for the sake of surprise during the Kickstarter campaign, but what was released so far looks promising. Especially the miniatures. These were crafted by artists responsible for Conan, Mythic Battles: Pantheon, Cyclades: Titans and more.

The campaign is planned for November 13th. We’ll keep you updated as soon as new info gets released.

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