3 Upcoming Kickstarter Board Games – Magic, Marble and Wildlife

Today we’ll take a look at 3 board games coming to Kickstarter this year between July and December. We’re quite hyped about all of them and can’t wait for the campaigns to launch. Let’s begin with something coming to KS next month.

Wild: Serengeti – August 18th

Wild: Serengeti. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

When we saw the first photos of Wild: Serengeti we got interested in this upcoming game right off the bat. Plenty of seemingly fun mechanics, tons of great looking animal meeples and an unique theme made the game look quite promising. Now, after playing the prototype, we can without doubt say that this is something well worth waiting for.

Wild: Serengeti. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

So what exactly is Wild: Serengeti about? The game lets players become a bunch of filmmakers set to create the best wildlife documentary in the famous African Serengeti National Park. 1 to 4 players compete to collect Documentary Points and the person with the highest amount by the sixth, final round becomes the winner. Points are gained by recreating scenes shown on your set of Scene Cards dealt at the beginning of the game. Some may require certain animals standing in line, being accompanied by specific species or staying in a certain type of terrain.

Wild: Serengeti. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

Players can choose actions from a wide variety of options and perform one of them per turn. Most are used to get closer to your desired scenes. You can for example move animals, discover fauna from certain groups, swap wildlife and much more. It’s also possible to gain new Scene Cards or redraft cards visible in the common pool. Resources like food or SFX Tokens allow for additional swapping of animals or ignoring certain requirements of your scenes. A more advanced variant introduces Specialist Cards that feature characters with unique and useful abilities.

Wild: Serengeti. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

We plan to discuss the game in much more detail in an upcoming article soon. Stay tuned!

>>> Sign up for the campaign here

Black Rose Wars: Rebirth – August 24th

There were many amazing projects on Kickstarter back in 2018, but Black Rose Wars really stood out among them. A constantly evolving world across the entire Nova Aetas franchise paired with stunning illustrations, beautiful minis and tons of creatively designed mechanics have resulted in creating something pretty special. The announcement of a sequel project  called Black Rose Wars: Rebirth took us (and our wallets) by surprise. The game is supposed to have its campaign launch on August 24th.

Black Rose Wars: Rebirth. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

For those of you who don’t know Black Rose Wars, the game makes players take on the roles of powerful wizards who compete to gain the prestigious title of the Supreme Magister. Competing of course means plenty of flashy and dangerous spell fights. Players have access to various schools of magic, each working in an unique way. The board where everything takes place is modular and allows for lots of randomization and replayability.

Black Rose Wars: Rebirth. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

Black Rose Wars: Rebirth takes place 24 years after the original story. New mechanics include destroyed versions of chamber tiles, rewards for fixing each of them, 6 new characters to play as, 6 new magic schools to use and much, much more. Old content is also compatible with the new game and can increase the replayability by another level.

Black Rose Wars: Rebirth. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

Geeknson Board Game Table | QUESTOWER Ads Sytsem

The Palaces of Carrara – December 2021

The Palaces of Carrara (2012 version). Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

The Palaces of Carrara came out back in 2012 and quickly got highly popular with critics and many board gaming fans. Designed by Michael Kiesling (Azul, Vikings, Torres) and Wolfgang Kramer (El Grande, Colosseum) it blended mechanics like set collection and tile placement which resulted in a unique take on the city building game genre. The game got many prestigious awards and fans have been waiting to get a reprint for quite some time. Surprisingly we’re not only going to get a reprint, but a whole Kickstarter campaign, including a new edition of this great game.

In The Palaces of Carrara players try to get their hands on the main resource: marble and use it to create buildings. The game can be played in two ways. There is a beginner variant meant to ease the players into the rules and an advanced one where gameplay gets really complex and thinky. 

We’ve yet to learn more about this new edition, but looking at Game Brewer’s track record makes us sure that the game will look great. As for the gameplay improvements and new additions, only time will tell.

Now on Kickstarter

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