LOODO NINJA – What Games and Accessories to Back on Kickstarter Right Now?

Hello friends and welcome to my first April article filled to the brim with tasty recommendations! Need something that will shine on your game nights or just want to make your board game shelf even closer to collapsing? Look no more. I’m here to show you which games, that are being funded on Kickstarter right now, are worth your dollars, pounds and pesos.


One of my favourite games from 2019 is back on Kickstarter with a new campaign. Backers who’ve missed the first one can get it now, but as you’re probably guessing: there’s much more here.

First: we have 2 new expansions, each adding a new, complex faction to the game – “The Uprising” and “Horizon’s Wrath”. Both come with their own tokens, player boards, manuals and custom made inserts. Apart from adding new factions, expansions change the gameplay a lot. Some of the new ideas are quite wild. One of the factions for example uses a floating, movable fortress and can lure their enemies there, only to make them “walk the plank” pirate style.

There’s also a whole lot of storytelling here. Speaking of stories: the game has received new co-op and solo campaigns. I’ll likely back this one to get the expansions. If you haven’t had the chance to play Cloudspire yet, I highly recommend it.

>>> Campaign link


Frosthaven, if the name didn’t already give it away is basically Gloomhaven 2. Bigger, deeper, better and… colder. The action takes place in the same universe as the number 1 game on BGG, but on an extremely chilly part of the continent. The story is completely new, focusing on a certain northern outpost. Frosthaven is again a co-op dungeon crawler with legacy type content – from secret filled envelopes to secret characters hidden in small boxes, awaiting their unlock. Apart from the new stand-alone game with 95 scenarios and 16 characters, players can also get the original Gloomhaven through the campaign’s page. Some extra add-ons like wooden insert, removable sticker set or a set of solo scenarios for each class are available as well.

>>> Campaign link

Geeknson Board Game Table | QUESTOWER Ads Sytsem

Ankh: Gods of Egypt

Newest game by CMON and Eric M. Lang has launched a few days ago and already has over 14.000 backers on Kickstarter. Fans of the lead designer have been awaiting this for months and from what we’ve seen: it looks like the game is going to deliver.

This time players will take on the roles of ancient Egyptian gods competing for power over people. The war is starting and only one deity will remain standing. To achieve this you’ll need to control as many territories as possible, defend them with your armies and get your hands on new ones. New followers are equally important so converting plays a huge role in Ankh. All gods play differently and have their own sets of advantages. The overall concept is very in line with Blood Rage and Rising Sun. Visuals ani minis shown so far look top notch. I’m keeping my eyes on this one! 

>>> Campaign link

Dice by Wyrmwood

Not really a game but, it’s still quite an event in the “tabletop” category on Kickstarter. Wyrmwood, aka one of the most popular board game / RPG accessory makers on the market, have finally decided to make a whole campaign devoted entirely to dice

Backers have a plenty of materials to choose from: wood, resin, glass, gemstone, metal and more. Apart from the obvious selection of good old D6s, D10s and D20s, Wyrmwood has decided to add another type of dice called High Variants with alternative numbering that makes very high and very low results more likely

Backers can customize their dice, pick as many types and single dies in whichever way they prefer. There are also some pre-made sets designed by Wyrmwood’s friends and some people from the industry.

>>> Campaign link

Geeknson Board Game Table | QUESTOWER Ads Sytsem

If you want to stay up to date with the details about the campaign and get notified when it launches you can subscribe here. Additionally: 3 lucky backers will get their own GEEKNSON’s wooden dice towers (like the one below).

What do you think?

Ambush: Epic – Watch Your Back While Dungeon Crawling

3 Upcoming Kickstarter Board Games – May 2020 and Onwards