4 Upcoming Board Games – Building, Exploring and Terraforming (Kickstarter and Gamefound)

Finally, a flow of exciting announcements is here and suddenly 2021 is starting to look even better. Recently, some very popular titles known to almost every board game player are getting their new installments or editions funded through crowdfunding websites. Today we will tell you about 4 of these games.

Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Collector’s Edition January 19th on Kickstarter

Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Collector’s Edition. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

One of the most popular games designed by Ted Alspach, whom you may also know from Suburbia and One Night Ultimate Werewolf, is coming to Kickstarter this month in a new, upgraded and great looking Collector’s Edition.

Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Collector’s Edition. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

The original game allows players to become architects designing a castle for a Bavarian King Ludwig II. The majority of gameplay is based on pretty addictive tile placement. Players add new rooms and have to bid for their various types. Each round someone else is the Master Builder and sets prices for available rooms.

Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Collector’s Edition. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

The new edition of the game contains tons of great improvements. First of all: there are new illustrations by Agnieszka Dabrowiecka, vastly superior to the 2014 ones. There will also be organizers by GameTrayz, redesigned components like player markers and more cards. All existing expansions will also be available as well as some new ones: a 5th player expansion and another two called: Royal Decrees and Towers which introduces 8 tower miniatures usable in the game.

Posthuman Saga: The Journey Home – February 2nd on Kickstarter

Posthuman Saga: The Journey Home. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

Posthuman Saga was one of our favourite KS campaigns back in mid-2018. The post apocalyptic setting mixed with tons of unique gameplay solutions, made it into one of a kind, complex game. In February we will see the crowdfunding campaign for the new expansion called The Journey Home.

The Journey Home allows us to venture deeper into the world of mutants and like you’re probably expecting – things are rough and scary there. New ideas make the gameplay even deeper and bring more ways to score points than in the core version. Players will have to interact more and also take on the roles of some new characters which are being added to the game along with new enemies, weapons and equipment.

Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising – February 9th on Gamefound

Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

Another reemergence of a popular IP, this time published by Lucky Duck Games and crowdfunded on the new Gamefound platform. Like its predecessor the new Kingdom Rush is a cooperative game. 1 to 4 players work together in a classic and yet innovative battle of tower defense with puzzle elements. Elemental Uprising is a standalone product, although its components can be mixed with previous releases. It can also be played entirely as a campaign.

Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising. Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising focuses on elemental-type enemies and makes getting rid of their hordes the central goal of the game. The game features a whole new roster of heroes to play as. Alric with his curved blade, shamanistic witch Bruxa, cleric-like Dierdre, frost magic wielding Elora and more. Authors are also promising many quality of life enhancements to the game, but these have yet to be specified.

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Terraforming Mars: Dice Game – Sometime in 2021 on Kickstarter

Terraforming Mars: The Dice Game (prototype). Trademarks and visuals belong to their rightful owners.

One of the highest rated board games ever is back! This time however, instead of another expansion we will be getting an alternative version with a huge focus on dice gameplay. Like in the original Terraforming Mars, you will lead a company with a mission of making Mars a habitable place for humans by improving local temperature, growing forests and adding oceans.

From what we’ve learned so far, the game is rather fast paced and a single session should take up to 1 hour. Dice replace resources from the original game and each corporation produces a different kind of dice. Each has 3 types of symbols: 3 symbols of a single resource, 2 of another and 1 of yet another. After rolling you can use the symbols to terraform the planet, buy buildings or manipulate your rolls. The game also uses cards but they’re usually related to dice anyway.

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